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80th anniversary celebrations: famous British writer Alex Kershaw visits Cassino
Yesterday 12 October the famous British writer Alex Kershaw came to Cassino with a group of passionate Friends of the National WWII Memorial.Their visit was organised by a Normandy travel agent specialised in WWII tours in Europe. they wanted to visit the local battlefield befor the ceremonies of the 80th Anniversary. It was also a great occasion to honor the Polish Heroes of Montecassino with some wonderful flowers, they put on Anders’ gravestone. Alex was also so nice to sign my copy of his book…in one week we Will welcome also the famous Canadian writer Mark Zuehlke in this area.

80th anniversary celebrations:
On 17th October arrived at Cassino Commonwealth Cemetery the 80th Anniversary Italian Campaign Commemorative Tour
In honour of the thousands of Canadian men and women who fought and died in the Italian Campaign from 1943 to 1945, and to celebrate the important role played by the city of Edmonton in the Liberation of Italy, the Edmonton Police Service Pipes and Drums played at Cassino War Cemetery and Montecassino Abbey.

80th anniversary tour: well known Canadian writer Mark Zuehlke back to Cassino, waiting for the 80th Anniversary
Today 21st October 2023 Mark Zuehlke was in Cassino area with a huge group of passionate history buffs. After a long visitcof Sicily and Salerno Landini seaseit, Mark joined with his group Montecassino Abbey where we had a special WWII tour 0f the Abbey to understand why It was destrpyed, and how It was rebuildt.
it was a big pleasure to meet Mark again…

The first event of the 80th Anniversary celebrations: the Rapido River first crossing
On 21th January we usually Remember with a small but very partecipate ceremony the crossing of the Rapido River, tryed 80 years ago by the soldiers of the 36th Divisino, the co called TEXAS Division. Also this year the ceremony has been organised