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3rd Division Battlefield Tour at Mignano Gap: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND
On 1943 the 3rd Division made the main efforts to join the Liri Valley, but on their way to the Rapido River crossing, there was a very difficult obstacle, a gap called Mignano Gap. infatti the Volturno and Garigliano Gap ends with a gap surrounded by high montagna and hills difficult to be crossed without being seen by the enemies. Mignano Is a Village situated in a wide gap across a Mountain chain, and at the time It was particularly dangerous due to the Hills and mountains that difende this area

3rd Division Battlefield Tour at Mignano Gap
On the right side Cannevinelle Hill and Mount Cesime, on the left side the huge mass of Mount Camino, Mount la Defensa and Mount Maggiore, and in the middle of the gap, like two towers defending the area, two hills called Mount Rotondo and Mount Lungo. The first one was covered by brush, while the second was a long ridge and several peaks. The only way to join the Liri Valley was by driving the Germans from these dominating peaks. Patrols reported that Mount Rotondo and Mount Lungo were defended by many minefields, tank traps and machine-gun positions.

3rd Division Battlefield Tour in the so called “Land of medals”
General Truscott decided to split his forces, sending the 2nd Battalion over Mount Cesime in the direction of Cannevinelle Hill (left side) while the 30th Infantry was sent in the direction of Rocca Pirozzi to join Mount Rotondo, passing throught Cannevinelle Hill (right side).

The 30th Infantry Regiment on Mount Rotondo
In the afternoon on 6th November the 30th Regiment made and unsuccessful attack to Mount Rotondo and the same happened to the 3rd Battalion of the 15th Infantry argomento on Mount Lungo. On 8th November a new Attack era Launcher, and the 30th Infantry occupied Mounth Rotondo, while the 3th Battalion, 15th Infantry took Hill 253 giving the possibility to the 1st Battalion to join Hill 193 next to Mount Rotondo. The next few days were spento to resist to the German attacks and to dig protection against the German fire.

The 7th Infantry Regiment on Mount Camino and Mount La Defensa
On the left side of the gap on 5th November the 2nd Battalion of the 7th Infantry Regiment tried to attack Mount Camino and Mount La Defensa, passing throught Casale and Caspoli. The following ten days were spent by the soldiers to scale the cliffs of the North and south side on the mountain. The supplies could reach the battlefield very slowly and even the woundeds could reach the Valley only in six hours. The lack of food and warm dry clothes and the bad weather transformed the attack in a nightmare.

Audie Murphy and the other Medals of Honor
The exploratory patrol of the 30th Regiment was commanded by a very famous soldier Audie Murphy who first reached a small hill located between Montelungo and Monterotondo, called quota 193. In the 30th regiment there were also two other soldiers who became famous. Their names were Maurice Footsie Britt and Floyd K. Linstrom. They all received the Medal of Honor for their bravery.

Some rest before the Landing at Anzio
On 15th November the 3rd Division was sent back from the frontline to have some rest and the 36th Division took its place on 17th November 1943. They had to be transferred norther than Mignano, to Land in Anzio on 22nd January.

A death in San Pietro: Captain Henry Thomas Waskow

3rd Division Battlefield Tour: WHAT TO EXPECT
The â3rd Division Battlefield Tour“(about 4) includes:
1) pickup from your arrival at the railway station in Cassino every day at 10.00am or 02.00pm (Main Square, near the Green Kiosk)
2) about 4h guided tour of the most meaningful sites in Mignano Gap area:
- General view of this area battlefield
- Audie Murphy’s cave and the 15th Regiment plaque (It involves a short walking)
- plaque dedicated to John B. Armstrong and the 15th Regiment
- plaque dedicated to Maurice Footsie Britt and the 30th Regiment
- plaque dedicated to the 7th Regiment at Diodati Farm
- plaque dedicated to Floyd K. Linstrom on Mount la Defensa (It involves a long walking)
3) return to the railway station in Cassino at 01.30pm or 05.30pm
3rd Division Battlefield Tour: WHAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT THE TOUR
TOUR DURATION: about 3 hours
DEPARTUR TIME: Daily at 10.00 am and 02.00pm
MEETING POINT: Cassino Railway Station (Main Square, near the Green Kiosk)

- Professional WW2 Guidance
- Transportation
- Donation to the monastery
WHAT IS NOT INCLUDED: Lunch and dinner are not included
- No advance payment
- You can do the payment during the tour cash to your Guide

3rd Division Battlefield Tour: MORE TOURS IN THIS AREA
The Anzio landing Battlefield Tourâââââ
3rd Division Battlefield Tour

3rd Division Battlefield Tour held by Anna Priora local guide and WWII Expert. Price per person
SKU del prodotto: 3tour
Brand di prodotto: Monte Cassino war Tours
Valuta del prodotto: Eur
Prezzo del prodotto: 90
Prezzo valido fino a: 30-12-2030
Prodotto in magazzino: InStock